Selling a house is not an easy feat. It involves plenty of time, money, and often stress. If you’re looking to buy a different house, you then need to coordinate buying and selling at the same time.
Sometimes things don’t go to plan and you can’t sell your home as easily as you thought. There are many factors involved in this, such as the local property market at the time, the time of year, the condition of the property and the advertised price. If you’re struggling to get a buyer for your home, take a look at our tips to help you sell.
Quality Photos
Use a good smartphone camera for photos, or even better a professional camera. Some estate agents will include professional photos in their costs. There’s some tricks to make rooms look more spacious, but try not to make it look unrealistic as viewers will be surprised by how small rooms are.
If there are any unusual features with the property, include photos of these and a section on them in the description. Some buyers love unique aspects to a home, rather than one which looks like it’s copied and pasted from a neighbouring house.
Prior to taking any images, ensure your home is decluttered and doesn’t contain too many personal items. You want to ensure that viewers can picture themselves in the space, so images of strangers everywhere can be off-putting.
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The Price Is Right
Do your research when choosing the asking price for your property, you need to ensure the price is right. Check any houses around you which may be selling or have sold recently and base your price on this, concentrating on similar houses.
Putting your home on the market for more than it’s worth will put off viewers. You’re better off listing it for a reasonable price and you should see more viewings getting booked.
If you have bold and bright colours on the walls, this is likely to only appeal to a few viewers. Pop a lick of paint over the top in a neutral off-white colour to freshen the place up. Remember that first impressions matter; replacing or painting your front door can help more than you may think.
Honesty Is The Best Policy
There’s 3 types of buyer. Those who are looking for a renovation project, those who want to be able to move in and put their bags down straight away, and those inbetween.
If there is work needing to be done to your home, don’t hide it. As mentioned above, some people will actually be looking for this as it means they can make their own mark on the property.
If you’re not honest about the work needed on your home, you increase the risk of a chain break. This is because buyers who put an offer in may realise later on that they can’t actually afford the work needed, and pull out. This would put you back to square one and no-one wants that!
Did you struggle to sell your home? What changes did you make to find a buyer? Let us know in the comments!

I began writing for Property Press Online in October 2019. Particular areas of interest are housing market news and new developments in the market.
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