Whilst we may be firmly in June and well onto our way into summer, it doesn’t mean that the days of spring cleaning are behind us! However, in a time when many of us are having to tighten our purse strings, expensive cleaning products are often the first cut from our budget.
In a survey conducted by Currys, the average UK household will spend an eyewatering average of £670 per year on commercial cleaning products. Owch. This is without even taking into account the fact that these cleaning products will be filled to the brim with harsh, environmentally harmful chemicals.
But who says keeping your house clean should cost the world?
That’s why The Property Buying Company, a cash-buying company based in Wetherby, has created a list of healthy, cheap and sustainable alternatives to cleaning your house that cost only £27.70. These alternatives are cost-effective, environmentally friendly, safe to touch, versatile and accessible.
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What Is The Importance Of Using Easy & Cheap Cleaning Alternatives?
The cheap cleaning hacks provided for us by The Property Buying Company (TPBC) all involve readily available household items with a dual purpose, which causes the alternatives to be highly versatile.
For example, the vinegar you use for your chips and the baking soda for your cakes become a cleaning powerhouse when paired together, perfect for cleaning surfaces, unclogging drains, removing stains, and even deodorising spaces.
These inexpensive ingredients can help you save money on expensive cleaning products without compromising cleanliness.
The accessibility of household cleaning alternatives means that you don’t have to run to the store every time you need to clean something, making your cleaning routine far more convenient and efficient.
Using cleaning alternatives within your home may give you a sense of empowerment and self-reliance. Instead of relying solely on commercial cleaning products, you can take control of your cleaning tasks and achieve satisfactory results with affordable and readily available solutions.
Many commercial cleaning products contain harsh chemicals that can harm the environment and your health. Our cleaning alternatives will contain natural or sensitive ingredients that are safer for the environment, reducing your ecological footprint.
CEO of The Property Buying Company, Jonathomn Christie, said this on the importance of budget-friendly cleaning hacks “Saving money on your cleaning products is essential for managing the cost of living. By adopting cost-effective cleaning solutions, we empower ourselves to allocate resources towards other important aspects of our lives.”
“It’s about making smart choices that not only keep our homes clean but also contribute to our financial well-being, allowing us to achieve a more balanced and fulfilling lifestyle.”
So are you ready to reduce your shopping bills and ecological footprint? Read on…

Here are our 10 Easy & Cheap Homeowner Cleaning Hacks:
Vinegar And Baking Soda Power Duo:
Cost: Distilled Vinegar = £0.29, Baking Soda = £3.35.
As we have already mentioned, this powerful mixture is a bit of a cleaning cure-all. When mixed together, vinegar and baking soda create a powerful, cost-effective cleaner that can tackle tough stains on surfaces like countertops, bathroom fixtures, and even carpet stains.
In order to use this power duo, take the vinegar and apply it to the stain, and leave it to sit for several minutes. Then you should carefully wipe the stain with a nonabrasive sponge.
If the stain remains, you should then wet the sponge and apply baking soda to the area and wipe away with a clean cloth. If the stain remains, keep repeating this step until it disappears.
Lemon Juice For Hard Water Stains:
Cost: Lemon = £0.30.
Whilst lemon juice makes a great pancake topping, did you know it is also an effective hard water stain remover? A great budget-friendly alternative to expensive commercial cleaners, the natural acid in lemon juice is excellent for removing hard water stains from shower heads, taps, and glass surfaces.
To use this cleaning hack, all you need to do is cut a lemon in half and rub the cut lemon against the hard water stains. You can also spray the lemon juice and leave it to rest for several minutes before wiping it away with a wet cloth.
Coffee Filters As Lint-Free Wipes:
Cost: Coffee Filters = £1.20.
Fed up with purchasing expensive lint-free wipes? Then look no further than your cupboards! Did you know that coffee filters make a great alternative to lint-free cloths, cleaning everything from windows to mirrors. They are absorbent and won’t leave streaks, resulting in a sparkling finish.
Microfibre Magic:
Cost: Microfibre Cloth = £1
It’s time to put down the disposable wipes and pick up the microfibre cleaning cloths! Highly effective for trapping dust, dirt and grime without additional cleaning products. Plus, they can be washed and reused multiple times, saving money on disposable wipes.
DIY Air Freshener:
Cost: Essential Oils = £1.70
Looking to freshen up your home, without forking out for expensive aerosol air fresheners?
Simply mix water, baking soda, and a few drops of essential oil to create your budget-friendly, DIY, air freshener. Place it in a spray bottle and spritz it around the house to eliminate odours without the expense of store-bought air fresheners.
Toothpaste For Stain Removal:
Cost: Toothpaste = £0.98
Whilst 9 out of 10 dentists will agree that toothpaste is most well known for its ability to protect our teeth and gums, did you know it is also an effective stain remover?
Toothpaste, mainly white non-gel varieties, can remove stains from surfaces like walls, shoes, and jewellery. It’s an affordable alternative to specialised stain removers.
Apply white toothpaste to the stain and let it sit for several minutes before removing the toothpaste with a clean cloth and then dabbing the spot.
Dryer Sheet Dusting:
Cost: Dryer Sheets = £2.10
Whilst old dryer sheets may seem like they are only fit for the bin, you may be surprised to learn that they make excellent dusting cloths due to their anti-static properties.
To use, simply wipe down surfaces and remove dust from furniture.
Salt Scrub For Pans:
Cost: Salt Scrub = £5.99
We’ve all been there, you’re cooking a stir fry in the pan and take your eye off the ball for a minute and before you know it, your dinner is on the cremated side of well done and your pans are scorched beyond recognition.
But worry not! You can revive stained or scorched pans by creating a salt scrub. This hack saves you from purchasing expensive pan cleaners.
All you need to do is mix salt with water to form a paste, and gently scrub stubborn stains.
Newspaper For Streak-Free Glass:
Cost:Cost: Newspaper = £1.30
When it comes to cleaning glass surfaces, you may be a die-hard user of paper towels. However, newspapers make a very effective glass surface cleaner, thanks to the ink they’re printed with.
Newspaper ink is a natural cleaning agent and leaves your windows and mirrors streak-free!
Repurpose Old Toothbrushes:
Cost: Toothbrush = £1
Put that old toothbrush down now! Whilst you may think that your old toothbrush has had its day in the sun, they can make excellent scrub brushes. Perfect for cleaning grout, tiny crevices, and hard-to-reach areas, saving you money on specialised cleaning brushes.
*Please note that all prices are based on products from Tesco, Etsy, eBay and Amazon and are subject to change. Most of these products will already be in your home.
So there you have it! If you can think of any other natural home cleaning hacks that suit a budget, feel free to get in touch!
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Alexandra is a junior content producer who enjoys writing articles and finding out more about the property market. Read more about Alexandra here.
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