Can you provide us with some background on what you do?
“I am a mortgage broker. I help first time buyers negotiate the somewhat complex path of getting on the property ladder. This will include working out exactly what they can borrow and afford to spend each month so they can start searching for the right home for them given their circumstances. Once they have found an ideal home I find them the ideal mortgage. I have access to around 120 lenders so trying to secure the best deal for the clients is my forte. I will then discuss the clients’ protection needs and run through all the options for buildings and contents insurance. I slant towards being an educator and teach my clients along the journey so they can make informed choices.
My route is slightly different with home movers and investors but again as most people don’t buy or sell property that frequently I am there to hold their hand throughout.”
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Was there a particular influence that caused you to decide to work in property?
“I have been a landlord for a number of years and can see the potential gains so it was a natural step to talk about my passion day to day.”
Are there any interesting insights in your line of work you can give our readers?
“My job is very rewarding. Helping clients buy a house and the massive impact it has on their lives is the main reason why I love the job I do. Clients are so grateful that I am here to help out with any issues along that path to getting the keys.”
How do you think Brexit will affect mortgage rates?
“The economy has learned its lessons from history and it does not like sudden jerk movements in interest rates which causes a halt on business spending and then we can spiral into recession. Interest rates have remained very low for a record number of years. Although there is scope for interest rate hikes, these will be very slow and steady. They will remain relatively low for the foreseeable future. This remains the best time for people to buy their own homes.”
What are your plans in the property market over the next 10 years?
“The demand for property will continue to grow. The number of pensioners looking for better rates of return in their pension funds means more players entering the property market. The average age for first time buyers increases due to the struggle to gather the deposit needed. There are policy changes afoot and this will help with this segment of society. The need to upsize will always remain as families grow. Although the demands for my service will increase the guise that is currently available will change with many clients looking for a 24 hour self service model with a big shift away from the traditional face to face meetings. This will be enhanced with the advancements in the tech sector.”
How can someone ensure they can get offered the best interest rates?
“Choosing a broker is key. You need someone that you can trust and know they are working for you. Clients should not just be elated with the fact that they qualify for a mortgage but they can save thousands by choosing the right product. The majority of brokers work from a panel of mortgage lenders – the bigger the number the better the deal. I work with 120 lenders who it’s fair to say not many can match.”
I began writing for Property Press Online in October 2019. Particular areas of interest are housing market news and new developments in the market.
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